Wednesday 25 October 2006

Adventures in Home Improvement

So a few months ago I was shooting around randomly on the internet, after viewing my sister’s blog I clicked on that button at the top which says ‘next blog’, I clicked a few times and came across a blog..

This blog caught my attention because it’s all about two normal people, who have a small child deciding to renovate their own bathroom. I thought it was quite interesting and checked in on them every couple of weeks to update myself on their progress.

Following their last blog on August 15, entitled ‘yes we are still working’, there has been nothing but silence. What am I to do, will I ever find out if they have finished remodelling their bathroom, will I ever again get to see photo’s of little Kenton having the first go in the shiny new bathtub… I just don’t know, and at the moment to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s like starting a really good book and then having it cruelly ripped away from you for no reason at all. Should I post a comment and ask then what’s happening with the bathroom, or should I just let it go and always wonder… If I’d known blogging could be this depressing I might never have begun..


Coop said...

I say post a comment.
You're in too deep now to not know.

Rinnie-Jo said...

I've done the same thing! about a year ago I did a search on google blogs for 'corinne' and came across a girl called Corinne in the US - she's 24, married, and she was pregnant at the time.. now with an 8mnth baby boy.. Its like I know them - he's crawling now!
I say you should post a comment.. I'm intrigued to see when they went too!

Keesha said...

Wow! We had no idea anyone was reading our blog. This might motivate us to to do some more work on the bathroom so we can post about it! There has been some minimal progress on project bathroom--I'll update tomorrow.