Tuesday 31 October 2006

Sick but happy!

I am sick, again... Boo hoo!

It is totally not fair, there I was doing really well and then suddenly bham, sick...

Bevan and I went to a wedding celebration on Saturday night (i.e. one of Bev's friends got married in Port Douglas but had their reception party at their house in Belgrave), needless to say for some reason it was freezing on Saturday night, I mean it is October, last week we had 36 degrees celcius, and the one night Bev and I head out for a outdoor party it snows in the Dandenong's... For those of you who don't know where Belgrave is, it is very close to the Dandenongs, i.e. foothills, so basically it was extremely cold. Anyway, I think that's what tipped me off as Sunday night I started to get a scratchy throat and am now sitting at my desk surrounded by 10 million tissues.

Anyway, enough about me... yesterday my fantastic, smart, wonderful boyfriend passed his comptuer exam (the Microsoft one). Bev's been working super hard to study, and I think it's really fantastic that he passed, with a score of 91%!!! YAY SMARTY PANTS! So my hat goes off to the super smart one, yay for him! Now he just has another 10 000 other computer exams to do, but this was the first big one so he's well on the road... Congrats baby!

1 comment:

Coop said...

I would also like to congratulate Bev on his recent success. Way to use that old noggin.