Sunday 25 March 2007


Why must the powers that be fiddle with the time, it's so wrong for them to do that....

Hence I am sitting here updating my blog at 6 on a Sunday morning, totally wrong!

But all good as I'm pulling together all the pics from Nic's wedding to show... it was so much fun! YAY for Nic and Jeff my funky married friends!

The wedding was so great, Nic was the most fantastic, plus we got to get all dressed up and dance around it was so much fun! I've haven't danced for so long it was great!

Penny, Nic and I before the wedding! YAY!

Aren't they so adorable! Ahhhhh! They kept looking at eachother with so much feeling (love) that it was enough to make you cry...

Nic's dress was so lovely!

Plus I manged to speak without being a complete spak... well as far as I can remember anyway!

1 comment:

Sare said...

Amazing photos Pees! you look awesome!!! wish I could have seen the speach. am sure that it was amazing. well done on the not crying thing :-)