Saturday 3 March 2007

Sorry dear blog

I have been so busy lately that I've not posted in ages, since we got back from Thailand... ahhh!

Basically I've been getting into my new job, as an Account Manager - I'm loving the title, and getting geared up for Nic's wedding, it's only weeks away now, it's so close!

I'm getting very excited about the Hen's party, it's going to be such a great night.

Next weekend we're going to another wedding as two of Bevan's friends are getting married, then it's the Hen's party, then Nic and Jeff's wedding, then a friend's babies Christening, then Easter, then my uncles wedding - it's a year of weddings and all pretty exciting!

Pretty proud that I managed to hook my new laptop up to the internet all on my own! Will certainly now be able to post more that i have a computer again, lack of computer = lack of posts!

Watch this space, more info, and I promise pics, soon!

1 comment:

Bev said...

I thought I would leave a post as no one else has, and I'm having a sickie after having two bucks parties in a row this weekend, and now feeling the i'm getting old!