Thursday 27 July 2006

We have officially caved!

Stupid not drinking bean eating diet be gone, we will no longer surrender to your attack of beans and pukey carrot juice, it's the hard stuff I crave, and at any cost...

We have officially fallen off the wagon, and luckily landed at the door of the pub. After a month (give or take a few days) we are back at the pub door lining up for a drink. Last night after another evening meal of beans Bev and I were a bit grumpy about work (bad), and excited about having booked our flights to Thailand (good), so in a haze of spontaneous hasty decision making decided to dip into our 'emergency fund' and go the pub. We had such a great time, it's been ages since the two of us have been able to sit down and chat, normally I'm confined to the kitchen cooking up beans while Bev is studying hard. There were some issues associated with not having drunk for awhile, I had two glasses of wine and suddenly regressed back to being 15 and chugging Strongbow in the park (why was that considered fun), as I was quite tipsy and had to grab onto Bev to wonder home.

Tonight, heralds another drinking adventure as one of Bev's friends is visiting we have sent out an official 'we are caving message' to our nearest and dearest pub buddies and are taking her out for a drink...

I will update on the status of my anticipated sore head tomorrow, boy the effect two glasses of wine has!

1 comment:

Rinnie-Jo said...

oh well, thats life... how can that many beans be good for you anyway?!
Cheers to you for lasting a month!!