I bought a new pushbike on the weekend, it's really cool. I've shown a picture of it here so that others can also look at it and go, ohhhh how cool!
I don't really know much about bikes but Bev does, and he helped me pick out this one. It's got loads of stuff that's meant to be really cool, the only two things I know about are the brakes, they are hydraulic so allow you to stop much quicker, plus it has from shock absorbers, so when I run into curbs and stuff it doesn't jar so much.
There is also a lot of other stuff on the bike which I don't really know how to use, so obviously I'll have to learn so I can talk about it with other bikey kind of people.
After getting the bike on Saturday we went for a really nice ride along the bay (for once the sun was shining) and then back around Albert Park lake which was really great. It has to be said that in my family going for a 'first' ride on a bike hasn't always been a good experience, when Dad bought me and my big sister Elissa our big grown up bikes when we were in our early teens we went down to this oval near by for our first ride. This oval was huge, plus I must admit my control on the big person's bike wasn't too steady, however, Elissa and I managed to run directly into each other (our shared stubborn nature may have had something to do with it) and damage was done. Elissa ended up getting stitches in her leg, so as you can see I was pretty relived when my first ride on my new bike went off without a hitch. I think it also has something to do with lovely Bev who manages to put up with my little tanties without loosing his cool!
The only down side to getting this bike is that now I must get rid of my old bike, which I have a strong attachment to. There is something about that bike (my old one) which I really love, it's seen me through a lot of situations, mainly where I thought I could do more than I could, like trying to ride up and down Brisbane's big hills and nothing could beat last year when I decided to do a 50klm partially off road charity bike ride. Sadly, I've outgrown the bike and needed to get something with a bigger frame so that I wasn't putting so much pressure on my wrists, but I'm going to be sad when I really do get rid of it, and I'll remember it dearly.
So vale to Pinky, I'll miss you so!
You've got a bit grown up bike now.. kinda sad in a way really, but the new one does look really cool.
*whistle* that's a purty bike poo head. And nice to know you haven't stacked yet.
I had my first fall on my new pushie this morning. A woman in a car (we'll leave name calling aside, but you can imagine what I think) pulled in front of me on the way to work this morning. I managed to stop in time, missing the car, but slid out the back wheel in the process. Once stopped, due to the angle I was leaning at, I couldn't clip out of my left pedal, plus I was in too higher gear to pedal out of the fall, and I promptly toppled over with the bike still attached to my feet. I would assume it would have looked quite hillarious to anyone watching, but it didn't tickle. I landed right on my elbow. =(
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