Thursday, 20 July 2006


I think finding cheap flights is a horrible obsession to get started on. Bev and I want to book our trip to Thailand so we've started looking at flights. After changing my point of view to thinking that it's ok to use the equilivant of a months pay to fly return to Bangkok we started finding some cheaper flights. The only issue is that the cheaper flights seem to be held by absolute stupid heads, I spent 15 mins on the phone with a woman this afternoon spelling my name, how subtle, yes I'm really working here, it's just a client that doesn't know how to spell my name - so my cover's been blown and everyone knows I'm looking for flights.

I think the issue is that we are looking for peak flights, i.e. flying out just after Christmas and back in late Jan... why can't they just fly more planes at this time and make it cheaper?

Anyway, the stupid woman was unable to assist me there and then claiming computer trouble, so then said she'd have to call me back, but was unable to take a mobile phone number... what the? I'm beginning to beleive that if we get this flight we'll be stuffed in next to a couple of chickens and bombs or something. Maybe we should just lay out the extra dosh and get the frequent flyer points...

Any tips would be much appreicated!

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