Thursday, 28 December 2006

We're off...

We are about to head to the airport and begin our Thailand adventure!

Wish us well, I'll try and log a few posts along the way but am looking forward to staying away from computers, so I'll see how I go!

Love you all!



Rinnie-Jo said...

Are you back yet? Tell us all about your trip!

Coop said...

Hope your trip was/is as fantabuluos as mine. I'll be back in Sydney in around 30 hours, I'm currently sitting at a cafe/bar in Heathrow killing time. I really don't want to go home, I miss Bea already. I miss Switzerland already. Well, that and I really don't want to go back to work. I shall write more (in my blog and in email) when I'm home and over the probable jet lag.