I am sick, again... Boo hoo!
It is totally not fair, there I was doing really well and then suddenly bham, sick...
Bevan and I went to a wedding celebration on Saturday night (i.e. one of Bev's friends got married in Port Douglas but had their reception party at their house in Belgrave), needless to say for some reason it was freezing on Saturday night, I mean it is October, last week we had 36 degrees celcius, and the one night Bev and I head out for a outdoor party it snows in the Dandenong's... For those of you who don't know where Belgrave is, it is very close to the Dandenongs, i.e. foothills, so basically it was extremely cold. Anyway, I think that's what tipped me off as Sunday night I started to get a scratchy throat and am now sitting at my desk surrounded by 10 million tissues.
Anyway, enough about me... yesterday my fantastic, smart, wonderful boyfriend passed his comptuer exam (the Microsoft one). Bev's been working super hard to study, and I think it's really fantastic that he passed, with a score of 91%!!! YAY SMARTY PANTS! So my hat goes off to the super smart one, yay for him! Now he just has another 10 000 other computer exams to do, but this was the first big one so he's well on the road... Congrats baby!
Tuesday, 31 October 2006
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Adventures in Home Improvement
So a few months ago I was shooting around randomly on the internet, after viewing my sister’s blog I clicked on that button at the top which says ‘next blog’, I clicked a few times and came across a blog.. http://ednkeesummers.blogspot.com/
This blog caught my attention because it’s all about two normal people, who have a small child deciding to renovate their own bathroom. I thought it was quite interesting and checked in on them every couple of weeks to update myself on their progress.
Following their last blog on August 15, entitled ‘yes we are still working’, there has been nothing but silence. What am I to do, will I ever find out if they have finished remodelling their bathroom, will I ever again get to see photo’s of little Kenton having the first go in the shiny new bathtub… I just don’t know, and at the moment to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s like starting a really good book and then having it cruelly ripped away from you for no reason at all. Should I post a comment and ask then what’s happening with the bathroom, or should I just let it go and always wonder… If I’d known blogging could be this depressing I might never have begun..
This blog caught my attention because it’s all about two normal people, who have a small child deciding to renovate their own bathroom. I thought it was quite interesting and checked in on them every couple of weeks to update myself on their progress.
Following their last blog on August 15, entitled ‘yes we are still working’, there has been nothing but silence. What am I to do, will I ever find out if they have finished remodelling their bathroom, will I ever again get to see photo’s of little Kenton having the first go in the shiny new bathtub… I just don’t know, and at the moment to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s like starting a really good book and then having it cruelly ripped away from you for no reason at all. Should I post a comment and ask then what’s happening with the bathroom, or should I just let it go and always wonder… If I’d known blogging could be this depressing I might never have begun..
Friday, 20 October 2006
Bogan Drinks...
This afternoon at work we are having Bogan drinks...
It all came about when someone sent around the Bogan test and people had to answer a set of questions and get a Bogan percentage score. Needless to say, it was quite fun, everyone had a laugh and we are now having Bogan drinks. What I didn't realise is that while also being the youngest person in my office, I'm now also known as the biggest Bogan, at a seemingly (to me anyway) moderate score of 57%.
Anyway, amazingly people have been ever so interested in the stories of the things we used to get up to in Brisbane during our teenage years to pass the time. I didn't / don't consider those things Bogan, rather just things we used to do to pass the time, because now when I think about it there wasn't really very much else to do when we were growing up in Brisbane, we had no money, well not enough to go out and entertain ourselves at the movies or bowling or something on a regular basis, we had to entertain ourselves.
So I don't know where wheel of goon or milk crate stacking came from but when you're bored and there is a pile of milk crates I'd start mucking around with them, is that the Bogan gene talking or just a bored aussie!
I'll end my day at work today sucking down a VB, with my co-workers looking at me thinking man what a Bogan, but I feel a fraud, I'm no where near as much a Bogan as the majority of people I know from Brisbane (not intentionally bashing Brisbane here, either most of the Bogan's I know just live there, or Brisbanites are just more honest at letting their Boganism shine through). Maybe find the Bogan test, give it a crack, and let that little bit of Bogan that lives within all of us shine through!
It all came about when someone sent around the Bogan test and people had to answer a set of questions and get a Bogan percentage score. Needless to say, it was quite fun, everyone had a laugh and we are now having Bogan drinks. What I didn't realise is that while also being the youngest person in my office, I'm now also known as the biggest Bogan, at a seemingly (to me anyway) moderate score of 57%.
Anyway, amazingly people have been ever so interested in the stories of the things we used to get up to in Brisbane during our teenage years to pass the time. I didn't / don't consider those things Bogan, rather just things we used to do to pass the time, because now when I think about it there wasn't really very much else to do when we were growing up in Brisbane, we had no money, well not enough to go out and entertain ourselves at the movies or bowling or something on a regular basis, we had to entertain ourselves.
So I don't know where wheel of goon or milk crate stacking came from but when you're bored and there is a pile of milk crates I'd start mucking around with them, is that the Bogan gene talking or just a bored aussie!
I'll end my day at work today sucking down a VB, with my co-workers looking at me thinking man what a Bogan, but I feel a fraud, I'm no where near as much a Bogan as the majority of people I know from Brisbane (not intentionally bashing Brisbane here, either most of the Bogan's I know just live there, or Brisbanites are just more honest at letting their Boganism shine through). Maybe find the Bogan test, give it a crack, and let that little bit of Bogan that lives within all of us shine through!
Thursday, 12 October 2006
What the...?
I've been having a lot of fun recently looking into fun games to play at Nic's hen's night. After some deliberation we've decided to actually have the hen's party at my house, mainly because guys in Melbourne sometimes seem to go a bit funny when they see a bunch of girls dressed up for a hen's party, and we had some other ideas in mind anyway.
So, I've been looking at a couple of games that we will play on the night, funny things that will make us laugh - sometimes things come up and I wonder if I'll be getting a call from the IT guy at work asking what I'm up to visiting some of the sites I've been redirected too, but anyway it's all fun.
I came across this site the other day, it had a few good ideas and then down the bottom things began to go a little strange... Perhaps it's easier just to paste it below so you can have a look!
Hens Party Practical jokes
1) Water Shots- When the Hen is a little buzzed, give her the best placebo of all a water shot. The psychology of people is very interesting since when one thinks they are receiving alcohol, no matter how weak, they will start acting even more drunk. The best way to disguise the water is to give her a diet coke chaser, telling her the alcohol is really strong and to chase it down with another non-alcoholic drink before she can taste the 100 proof shot!
2) Cling Wrap The Toilet Seat- Afavoritee and very easy to do. Just place some Cling Wrap around the bowl. Make sure it is tight so you canÂt see the wrinkles from the plastic. Place the seat down and turn off the lights. Some unexpected girl will get back-splash!
3) Jelly Up Seats and Knobs- One of the easiest tricks to do. Place Lubricant, Toothpaste, Deep Heat or Vaseline under doorknobs and on toilet seats in a nice thin coat so the girls get a surprise on contact.
4) The Buck Has Arrived! One of the best jokes is to place a blow up doll in the HenÂs bed and tell her that while she was out, her man came to surprise her. I have seen this happen before and seeing the HenÂs reaction is one of the most memorable moments I will ever have about the trip, before and after she realizes its only a man full of hot air!
5) Early Wake Up Calls- Nobody likes early morning wake up calls after a night of partying, which is why this is perfect for the girls staying in other hotel rooms. Just make sure they donÂt know it is you!
6) Make ÂEm Change Colours While Sleeping- The great thing about Cool-Aid is when you place it in its powder form on a drunk girlÂs bed before she is about to pass out, she will wake up either red (cherry flavour) or purple (grape flavour) since the powder soaks into the pours and temporarily colours the skin for the morning.
7) Drunk and Tattooed  One of the funniest tricks is to place high quality temporary tattoos on passed out girls so in the morning they are surprised by the scorpion or star design on their shoulder, tummy or thigh.
8) Clown Make-up- When a girl passes out, have a ball with the make-up bags everyone has. The most fun way is to paint her fingernails a different colour and lipstick her face in clown attire. Make sure to get a snapshot for the photo album.
9) Hair Full Of Powder- There is nothing like watching a girl turning on her hair dryer and get a cloud full of baby powder. Simply place a small amount of powder in the dryer (be very careful how much you place in there so it does not short out the dryer) and watch her freak when the button goes on.
10) Suds for All- Nothing is like a toilet bubble bath. Place a generous amount of detergent in the back of the toilet (tub). After a few flushes, you are surly to witness something out of the Brady Bunch when Bobby placed too much suds in the washing machine.
11) 2 Sizes 2 Small- When the Hen is not around, place much smaller pairs of undies in her bag and let her become confused on what happened to her own pairs. Watch her try to put the others on. It may even be funny to replace her undies with sexy costume undies that she will have to wear for the rest of the party!
12) Panties and Bras In The Icebox- Wake the Hen up in the morning by having all her bras and panties spend the night in the room freezer. This is the true meaning of fridged!
I don't know about anyone else but suddenly I began to think, am I organising a hen's party or a 'I hate you' party - who are these people. I don't know anyone who would think hey how wonderful my best friend has asked me to be her maid of honour and stand up next to her at her wedding, I know as a thank you I'll put glad wrap on the toilet seat so she gets wee all over herself. Who are these freaks of society.... Where are theyfrightenedrightend that these people exist!
So, I've been looking at a couple of games that we will play on the night, funny things that will make us laugh - sometimes things come up and I wonder if I'll be getting a call from the IT guy at work asking what I'm up to visiting some of the sites I've been redirected too, but anyway it's all fun.
I came across this site the other day, it had a few good ideas and then down the bottom things began to go a little strange... Perhaps it's easier just to paste it below so you can have a look!
Hens Party Practical jokes
1) Water Shots- When the Hen is a little buzzed, give her the best placebo of all a water shot. The psychology of people is very interesting since when one thinks they are receiving alcohol, no matter how weak, they will start acting even more drunk. The best way to disguise the water is to give her a diet coke chaser, telling her the alcohol is really strong and to chase it down with another non-alcoholic drink before she can taste the 100 proof shot!
2) Cling Wrap The Toilet Seat- Afavoritee and very easy to do. Just place some Cling Wrap around the bowl. Make sure it is tight so you canÂt see the wrinkles from the plastic. Place the seat down and turn off the lights. Some unexpected girl will get back-splash!
3) Jelly Up Seats and Knobs- One of the easiest tricks to do. Place Lubricant, Toothpaste, Deep Heat or Vaseline under doorknobs and on toilet seats in a nice thin coat so the girls get a surprise on contact.
4) The Buck Has Arrived! One of the best jokes is to place a blow up doll in the HenÂs bed and tell her that while she was out, her man came to surprise her. I have seen this happen before and seeing the HenÂs reaction is one of the most memorable moments I will ever have about the trip, before and after she realizes its only a man full of hot air!
5) Early Wake Up Calls- Nobody likes early morning wake up calls after a night of partying, which is why this is perfect for the girls staying in other hotel rooms. Just make sure they donÂt know it is you!
6) Make ÂEm Change Colours While Sleeping- The great thing about Cool-Aid is when you place it in its powder form on a drunk girlÂs bed before she is about to pass out, she will wake up either red (cherry flavour) or purple (grape flavour) since the powder soaks into the pours and temporarily colours the skin for the morning.
7) Drunk and Tattooed  One of the funniest tricks is to place high quality temporary tattoos on passed out girls so in the morning they are surprised by the scorpion or star design on their shoulder, tummy or thigh.
8) Clown Make-up- When a girl passes out, have a ball with the make-up bags everyone has. The most fun way is to paint her fingernails a different colour and lipstick her face in clown attire. Make sure to get a snapshot for the photo album.
9) Hair Full Of Powder- There is nothing like watching a girl turning on her hair dryer and get a cloud full of baby powder. Simply place a small amount of powder in the dryer (be very careful how much you place in there so it does not short out the dryer) and watch her freak when the button goes on.
10) Suds for All- Nothing is like a toilet bubble bath. Place a generous amount of detergent in the back of the toilet (tub). After a few flushes, you are surly to witness something out of the Brady Bunch when Bobby placed too much suds in the washing machine.
11) 2 Sizes 2 Small- When the Hen is not around, place much smaller pairs of undies in her bag and let her become confused on what happened to her own pairs. Watch her try to put the others on. It may even be funny to replace her undies with sexy costume undies that she will have to wear for the rest of the party!
12) Panties and Bras In The Icebox- Wake the Hen up in the morning by having all her bras and panties spend the night in the room freezer. This is the true meaning of fridged!
I don't know about anyone else but suddenly I began to think, am I organising a hen's party or a 'I hate you' party - who are these people. I don't know anyone who would think hey how wonderful my best friend has asked me to be her maid of honour and stand up next to her at her wedding, I know as a thank you I'll put glad wrap on the toilet seat so she gets wee all over herself. Who are these freaks of society.... Where are theyfrightenedrightend that these people exist!
Tuesday, 3 October 2006

I know that you are meant to eat like a zillion pieces of fruit a day but I just don’t know if I can do it. I was ok previously because I didn’t mind bananas but at the moment buying a banana is like making a major life decision… will I fill the car up with overpriced petrol this week or will I buy a banana. Due to my fruit issues we have been buying bananas, just not as many as previously.
I was quite happy for awhile chowing down on tinned fruit till I read that while it’s better than a chocolate bar or something tinned fruit isn’t a substitute for fresh fruit – why did I have to go and read that.
Anyway, this has led me to my new challenge, the eating fruit challenge, my aim is to start easy and eat a fresh piece of fruit everyday. Yep, you might sit back in your seat and gasp at my daring new challenge but believe me this one might be tuff. I am now in day two. My fruit eating experiences so far have included:
Ä Monday, a great day to start any challenge as you know for sure that the rest of the day is going to be shit anyway, I ate a banana, thought I should start off easy.
Ä Tuesday (today) I ate an apple, first thing I ate all day, I even ate it as I was walking to work – must be a total double whammy of health benefits!
Who knows what tomorrow might bring, maybe even a pear – who can tell… Anyway, please send me your best wishes as I continue on my arduous journey… So long!
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