I believe that by nature I am not a particular angry person (ok keep your comments to yourself) but today I found myself in a situation that left me feeling totally and completely ripped off.
The girl I work with turned to me this afternoon and asked my advice, she had just received a phone call from one of our sub-contractors and they informed her that they needed 96 $2 scratchies by tomorrow and that we had to get them. Ok things sound ok, but suddenly I felt my anger flare, who do these people think I am, someone who sits around all day just waiting for the phone call to send me out on my way to purchase stupid amounts of $2 scratchies, why can't these stupid people go down to the newsagents themselves and purchase their own bloody scratchies. My anger intensified when the girl that works with us told me that it was our sub-contractors responsibility to purchase the scratchies... I picked up the phone in the heat of the moment and called the sub-contractor to vent my anger... perhaps he was privy to ESP as he was 'away from his desk' and unable to take my call, I left a message.
I then proceeded to storm around the office for a bit firing up others in my fit of anger, using phrases like who do these people think they are... my boss rang... apparently it is our responsibility to purchase the stupid amounts of scratchies. Sub-contractor guy rings back, all I can say is well I'll go and get the scratchies and courier them over to you but you know I don't sit at my desk all day just waiting for people to call and ask me to do things, you should have given more notice - his response, oh sorry! That was it. With my anger still rife I had to take the lift downstairs cross into the next building and make my mammoth scratchie purchase.
In the end, I've purchased $148 worth of scratchies on my credit card and am left with nothing but anger and no where to vent it... but here at my lovely blog. I must end my rant with a tribute to my sister Sarah who showed me that when no one is really interested in hearing you crap on about going into a newsagents to buy scratchies you can type it all up, post it on a blog and people will read it! Thanks Sarah!
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